Wednesday, June 3, 2015

This is my first attempt at this blogging world.  I have wanted to start a blog since I had my daughter, and that was a year ago. We just celebrated Rosalyn's birthday on the first of June. We had a big party with our family. She was definitely spoiled and is so lucky to have such great cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents who all love her so much. Richard and I have been working on ideas and projects for a couple of weeks and were so excited to see it all come together.  I am very lucky to have a husband who is so talented and creative and can make all my ideas come to life! He was very patient with me and was willing to do anything I wanted. :)  We decided on a uno theme for Rosalyn's party because not only was she turning one but she is 1/4 Hispanic... so we thought it was perfect! 

Our first project was the birthday invitations. I sat back and watched Richard do all the design work and they turned out so cute. 

I wanted to have pictures of Rosalyn at the party for every month of her first year. We decided it would be cute to make them look like uno cards. 

 We wanted to make a birthday banner and we were having way to much fun with the uno theme so     we decided to make the banner like uno cards too.


 I had a hard time decided what to get her for her birthday and I will admit that I went overboard but she is our first baby and this is her first birthday so why not spoil her... right? haha We made her gifts look like uno cards and spelled out her name.

We wanted  to find a vintage high chair and paint it for Rosalyn to sit in for the smash cake and for some cute pictures. Here is the before and after of the paint job. 

 We thought it would be fun to have a giant chalkboard for the little kids to draw on at the party. Plus it is a future toy for Rosalyn to have in our backyard.  We made a trip to home depot to get the supplies and spent a night putting it together, it was much easier then I thought it would be, and I think it turned out great! 

I have seen pictures of girls in these little tutu dresses and I knew I wanted to make one for Rosalyn to wear at her party. It was so easy and she looked absolutely adorable in it! Of course I had to make a matching headband and sandals to go with the dress. :)

I had some left over tulle so I made a high chair tutu to go with the banner I had already made. 

 We bought some polkadot butcher paper at Zurchers and some balloons to complete the look.

I love the Birthday chalkboards that they have all over pinterest and etsy and I wanted to have one for Rosalyn too. I have a very talented friend who made this for me with wood, paint and vinyl and I LOVE it!! 

 We had her cake and cupcakes made from the J spot on Facebook. She is so talented and very friendly, not only were they adorable but they were delicious!

                       Rosalyn loved the cake and I thought she was going to eat the entire thing! 

 We decided to make it easy and did hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, salad, fruit and baked beans for dinner.

Anyone who knows my family knows we love candy! So of course we had to do a candy bar in the uno colors.

We got a bounce house to keep the kids entertained during the party and I think it worked! haha They all had a blast!


 They delivered it early in the morning so Rosy and I went out and played when she woke up.  She is quite the adrenaline junky and she thought it was the best present!

  Rosy wasn't the only one who got to go down the slide for the first time. Her cousin Brielle was even able to participate in the fun!

Rosalyn is named after her cousin Brielle and we were so happy that she was able to be there for the party!

We had some additional plans for the decorations but it was so windy we couldn't get them all up. It's hard to see in the pictures but we put a line across our yard to hang some fabric banners from... it was somewhat of a fail... they didn't turn out so great. lol. Luckily as soon as the party started the wind slowed down. 

Rosalyn opening her gifts... 



More pictures of Rosalyn at the party. I am thankful for my little brother Jared who took all these pictures for us, we were so busy we wouldn't have taken all ourselves. In fact Richard was so busy grilling that we didn't even get a single picture of him and the birthday girl.  :(


                                           Rosalyn telling everyone how old she is now.

We are so lucky to have such a great family to be with us to celebrate her first birthday! She is such a sweet little girl. This past year has gone by so fast and we couldn't have asked for a better baby. Mommy and Daddy love you so much Rosalyn! Happy Birthday!